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2018 Marketing Research & Consumer Insights Hiring Survey Results

March 27, 2018

This post is contributed by Burtch Works’ marketing research and consumer insights recruiting team.Now that we’ve examined job change and tenure data for the marketing research and consumer insights talent pool in our Attrition & Tenure study, we decided to ask hiring managers about their personnel strategy for this first half of 2018 to see what else we could uncover about the market!Periodically we send out “flash surveys” to our network, so we reached out to our network of research & insights hiring authorities to gauge staffing plans for this upcoming year. For more information about the survey categories, see note below.

We found that suppliers-side teams are currently showing more hiring activity than those on the client side. As you can see from the results above, 70.3% of suppliers and 50.0% of client side teams are planning to hire in some capacity (this includes those adding to headcount, those only backfilling vacant roles, and teams who are doing a combination of both).We also took a look at how many marketing research and consumer insights teams are expanding, meaning they’re actively trying to add headcount, and 62.9% of supplier side teams are growing compared to 32.5% of client side teams (this includes those that are ‘adding only’ plus those that are ‘adding & backfilling’).

We also looked specifically at client side Retail/Consumer Packaged Goods firms and found that the results seem to support a trend we’ve been reporting in our marketing research Burtch Works Studies: that the CPG industry is not growing as much as it once was. Indeed, only one in four CPG teams are growing and 43.8% have no plans to hire at all.Even though this data shows only 50% of client-side teams are hiring in the first half of 2018, we can attest that we have been kept plenty busy filling roles on both the client and supplier side! It’s always interesting for us to track current hiring trends and see how they impact our hiring market and compensation research, so stay tuned for more updates!


Since the survey refers only to the first half of 2018, the “adding” category refers to teams who don’t anticipate turnover during the next couple months, resulting in overall growth of the team. If the team was hiring because they are both adding to headcount AND contending with attrition, then they fall under “adding and backfilling”.We hope this information was interesting! Let us know what you think in the comments, and be sure to connect with us.

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You can also check out our 2020 research & insights salary webinar below, where we shared highlights from our latest research, COVID-19 impacts on the hiring market, and other developing trends for 2021 and beyond.