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2019 Analytics & Data Science Hiring Survey Results

January 28, 2019

This post is contributed by Linda Burtch, Burtch Works’ Managing Director and quantitative recruiting expert.This year has been off to a hot start for us here at Burtch Works! There has been a clear surge in hiring activity in the data science and analytics market, and although last year’s salary research for predictive analytics professionals and data scientists found that salaries have been fairly steady, I’m predicting that we’ll see a more noticeable bump in 2019 as employers jostle for hard-to-land talent.We periodically send out “flash surveys” to our network, and so to further examine hiring activity, we asked quantitative hiring authorities to describe their staffing plans for the first half of 2019. For more information about the survey categories, see surveynote below.

Analytics & Data Science Hiring in 2019

Our results supported our impression that the market is active. As you can see from the results above, 82% of data science and analytics teams are planning to hire in some capacity (this includes those adding to headcount, those only backfilling vacant roles, and teams who are doing a combination of both).We also looked at how many quantitative teams are expanding, meaning they’re actively trying to increase headcount, and 70% of teams surveyed are growing (this includes those that are ‘adding only’ plus those that are ‘adding & backfilling’).When we sliced the data, we also discovered that the percentage of teams planning to hire was noticeably higher in California, Texas, and New York City.

Looking to hire analytics pros or data scientists?

Hoping to land top quantitative talent in 2019? Make sure to check out our analysis of what factors motivate analytics pros and data scientists to change jobs, as well as our top tips for hiring quantitative professionals that don’t just involve higher salaries.

Considering analytics & data science opportunities?

Thinking about a career move in 2019? Here are a few quick tips that may come in handy:

  1. Salaries are important, but there is more to a job offer! – check out our tips for evaluating data scientist job offers, including compensation, benefits, relocation, negotiation, and more.
  2. Need to brush up on your interview skills? – our team offers their advice for analytics pros and data scientists on how to prepare for both phone and on-site interviews.
  3. Situations with multiple job offers can get complicated! – here’s how to navigate situations with multiple job offers tactfully and not risk burning any bridges along the way.
Survey note:Since the survey refers only to the first half of 2019, the “adding” category refers to teams who don’t anticipate turnover during the next couple months, resulting in overall growth of the team. If the team was hiring because they are both adding to headcount AND contending with attrition, then they fall under “adding and backfilling”.
Interested in our salary research on data scientists and predictive analytics professionals? Download our studies using the button below.

Click to download our free salary reports We hope this information was helpful! If you’re looking to hire predictive analytics or data science talent, or are looking for new opportunities, be sure to connect with me on LinkedIn.

Want to learn more about data science and analytics career planning? Watch the webinar recording below to hear our recruiters' best advice on interview preparation, tools and skills to learn, salaries, and more!