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How to Build a Data Analyst Portfolio in 6 Easy Steps

April 11, 2024

In today’s competitive job market, data analysts must develop a portfolio showcasing their skills to be selected for interviews and eventually land their dream role.

A data analyst portfolio is a website that gives potential employers an overview of your professional self and the projects you’ve worked on.

Building a robust portfolio is crucial if you want to stand out from other applicants. And you're in the right place for tips on how to do just that!

In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to building a strong portfolio and offer ideas on what to include.

Why Build a Data Analyst Portfolio?

In an application-based field like analytics, it isn’t enough to tell recruiters what you are capable of—you need to show them, too.

Here are some reasons you need a data analyst portfolio:

1. Demonstrates Practical Knowledge

Employers may feel that data analysts, particularly those with limited work experience, have not had exposure to the business world or real-world scenarios. A data analyst portfolio will demonstrate that you can use your technical skills to solve real business problems. Showcasing your business sense is more persuasive than simply creating a good CV.

2. Showcases Problem-Solving Ability

Firms need data analysts who are creative thinkers. Your portfolio can highlight your approach to challenges and become a narrative of your problem-solving journey, demonstrating your critical thinking and analytical skills.

3. Enhances Visibility and Professional Brand

A portfolio will help you choose what kind of data analyst you want to be. If you dream of working at a bank or financial institution, you can highlight how you’ve solved fraud investigation projects. Thus, a good portfolio will give you the agency to navigate your career on your terms.

Besides, sharing your work can establish you as a thought leader in your field. A well-documented repository of work can attract opportunities, such as speaking engagements, consulting projects, or collaboration offers. It is an evolving showcase of your professional journey, helping you network and connect with peers and industry leaders.

How Do I Build a Portfolio as a Data Analyst?

Here's the step-by-step process to help you properly build your data analyst portfolio:

Step 1: Define Your Goals

First, consider who your target employer/audience is and what specific skills you’d like to highlight.

A more general data analyst portfolio, especially if you’re at the beginning of your career, should include projects on common business problems and showcase your visualization, coding, and statistical modeling acumen.

If you have more experience and are trying to find your niche as a data analyst or pivot into a more specialized career, such as data science or machine learning engineering, your portfolio should showcase relevant skills.

Step 2: Choose A Platform

If you’re just starting, you can host your portfolio on free websites such as Kaggle or GitHub. As you gain experience, consider building a unique website to highlight your projects. A website will offer you more flexibility and options, like writing a blog.

Don’t sweat this step too much; your work matters much more than where you host it. Just make sure that the format is clean and easy to navigate.

Step 3: Select Your Projects

Based on your defined goals, choose projects that showcase a range of skills and business problems. These could include personal projects, academic work, or professional assignments (if you can share them without violating confidentiality agreements). Aim for projects demonstrating your ability to work with different datasets, tools (like Python, R, SQL, Tableau), and methodologies.

Step 4: Create Detailed Project Pages

For each project, include the following:

  • Project overview: Start with a brief project summary, including the objectives and the results.
  • Problem statement: Describe the question you were addressing.
  • Your approach: Detail the steps you took to solve the problem, including data cleaning, exploration, analysis, and the tools you used.
  • Results and impact: Highlight your project’s outcomes. Include visualizations and any statistical analysis to make your case. For academic projects, include a section on how you would assess the solution’s impact in real life.
  • (Optional) Learnings: Reflect on what you learned from the project and what you might do differently next time.

Step 5: Include Technical Details

Your main project pages should be geared toward both technical and non-technical stakeholders and provide a high-level overview of your work. Always link to your code (e.g., GitHub repositories) and datasets.

This allows interested employers to delve deeper and assess your technical expertise. When needed, describe why you chose certain tools or techniques for your projects, as this will demonstrate your decision-making process.

H4: Tip:

Write clean, optimized, and commented code aligned with industry standards.

Step 6: Get Feedback

Share your portfolio with peers and mentors to get feedback. Having an external point of view will help you refine the areas you may have overlooked.

If you don’t know anyone who can review your work, consider sharing your portfolio on LinkedIn, in relevant online communities, and at networking events. This will also allow you to engage with the broader data science community.

What Should Be Included in a Data Analyst Portfolio?

1. An About Me Section

The “About Me” section allows your prospective employers to learn more about your professional background, career objectives, and analytics knowledge.

Tailor this section to show how you’d add value as a potential employee. Include your contact information in this space for easy communication. A professional headshot can lend your profile more authenticity as well.

2. Relevant Projects

Try to include a range of projects showcasing your skills, especially those you wish to emphasize. Typically, if you’re a beginner analyst, your projects should highlight skills like web scraping, data preprocessing, and visualizations.

If you have work experience and are looking for a more specialized role, consider focusing on a specific niche, which could be an industry, role, or skillset. We’ve put together some project ideas here and here.

3. Testimonials

The power of social proof is undeniable. Potential employers want to see who you’ve worked with and how highly they value your contribution and work ethic.

If possible, gather and include quotes from former employers, professors, mentors, or colleagues.

Portfolio sections that aren’t essential but good to have are:

  • Blogs: Writing content gives you space to expand on your ideas, explain your thought processes, and build your brand.
  • Technical skills summary: List the tools, technologies, and techniques you specialize in. Doing this allows you to add more details than you have space for in your CV. However, don’t include irrelevant accomplishments or fluff.


Where can I build my portfolio as a data analyst?

Start with a platform you are comfortable using. A personal website can offer you complete control over the site design and content. Website builders like WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, or Webflow can be used.

These platforms offer templates designed explicitly for portfolios and are user-friendly for those without web development experience.

If you want to keep things simple, consider the following options:

  • GitHub: It’s ideal for showcasing coding-heavy work.
  • LinkedIn: You can use the portfolio section to list projects and link to external sites, documents, or presentations.
  • Tableau Public: This is the perfect option for showcasing visualization projects. It is a free platform for publishing interactive data visualizations on the web.
  • Medium: Platforms like Medium allow you to share detailed write-ups of your projects, thought processes, and insights alongside your work.
  • Kaggle: Kaggle allows you to participate in competitions and share your notebooks and datasets on your profile.

What are some excellent examples of a data analyst portfolio?

Here are several examples you can look at for ideas:

  • Ger Inberg’s data analyst portfolio: One look at Ger’s website tells us he’s worked on business problems in various industries. He has also highlighted his skills and has written quite a few blog posts on various machine learning techniques.
  • Claudia ten Hoope’s data scientist portfolio: Claudia’s portfolio is clean and compact, providing her target audience with all the information on one page.
  • Naledi Hollbreugge’s analyst portfolio: Naledi’s skills are apparent from the get-go; she is a data visualization expert and has showcased various projects and linked them to her Tableau Public portfolio page.

What if I have no work experience? What do I put in my data analyst portfolio?

Don’t be discouraged! Reflect on your academic and personal journey, highlighting your passion and enthusiasm for data and analytics. Here are some ideas for your portfolio:

  • Academic projects: Include any relevant coursework you completed during your studies (undergraduate, graduate, or online courses).
  • Self-initiated projects: Start your own projects based on personal interests or public datasets. Doing so shows initiative and passion for the field. Potential projects could be analyzing sports statistics, financial market trends, social media data, etc.
  • Kaggle competitions: Competing in Kaggle challenges can help you apply your skills in a competitive and practical environment.
  • Online courses: Sign up for online courses that culminate in a capstone project. These projects are designed to consolidate your learning and can be an excellent addition to your portfolio.
  • Volunteer work: Offer your data analysis skills to non-profits, local organizations, or small businesses that could benefit from insights but might not have the resources to hire a professional.
  • Blog posts or tutorials: ****Writing about data analytics topics helps solidify your own understanding and demonstrates your ability to communicate complex ideas clearly.


Remember that progress beats perfection. We often get stuck procrastinating on the best platform, project, or even font size! We suggest you start building your portfolio by following our guidelines and refining it as you go.

Once you feel more confident about applying, check out our job seeker section.

We wish you the best of luck on your data analytics journey and hope you land your dream role soon!