Why You Should Keep Hiring During the Holiday Season

This post is contributed by Burtch Works' recruiting team.While hiring activity in the analytics and marketing research markets has been strong this year, there is sometimes a tendency among companies to slow down as we enter Q4 and approach the holiday season.This post may seem self-serving, but regardless of whether you’re using our services to fill open positions, there are several reasons why it can work to your benefit to keep your hiring momentum going through the end of the year!
5 Reasons to Hire During the Holiday Season
1. Waiting until January can mean increased hiring competition
As I mentioned before, we often see companies slow their hiring activity until after the holidays, which for us has always meant a flurry of activity in January. However, this means that you’re often competing against more companies to hire potential talent. For companies that continue hiring through November and December, this usually means that you’re faced with less competition for potential talent.
2. Strong talent are often weighing multiple offers
To build off of my first point, this year has been absolutely unprecedented in regards to quantitative and research candidates weighing multiple job offers. While you’ll still face competition for talent in Q4, we often find that the field is less crowded, which can help mitigate the risk that your chosen candidate will opt for a different role.
3. Many candidates have been wanting to make a change
With rumblings of belt tightening and potential budget changes next year, we often see a lot of candidate activity at the end of the year! You may be able to snap up good talent that might not otherwise be on the market, and with many candidates wanting to make a change before the market tightens, it’s important to get your team in place sooner rather than later.
4. Time kills all deals!
In some cases, we see companies extending offers in Q4 for start dates that are months away. As a recruiter, I can tell you that time is not a factor that is on your side in this case. The longer the time period between offer acceptance and start date, the more likely it is that your candidate will be approached with another offer, given a counter offer from their current company, or find any number of reasons to reconsider your arrangement. My best advice is to act swiftly and strike while the iron is hot!
5. You’ll be more prepared for Q1
Keeping hiring momentum going through the holidays often means you’ll be starting the New Year ahead of the game! Instead of restarting your hiring process come January, interviewing through the holiday season often means you’ll have more candidates actually starting in the first few weeks of the year, which gives you a better opportunity to hit the ground running for a more productive Q1.Thinking about your hiring strategy? Our recruiters are specialized in analytics, data science, marketing research, operations research, data engineering, digital & web analytics, and more! Send us an email at info@burtchworks.com to see how we can help your team land top talent.